Secrets in the Bible (ENGLISH)

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Originally a book was called ‘sacred’ when it held secrets (secret and sacred derive from the Latin verb segregare: to segregate) and the study of such books was called ‘religion’ (the Latin verb legere first meant to unite and later to read) because to discover its secrets it had to be read over and over again.

The main message of the Bible is that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself: 10 generations after putting an end to harmony (paradise) for eating a forbidden fruit, a terrible catastrophe (the flood) almost put an end to mankind.

This book suggests that when mankind finds itself on the verge of self-destruction the messiah will appear. By revealing the secrets in the Bible people will pay attention to him; by revealing why we have conflicts with each other and with the environment he will restore harmony on Earth.

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0,00  IVA incluido
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Secrets in the Bible
© Bruno Lernout, 2020
First edition: November 2020
Design & layout: Paula Cantero
Digital files: Pablo Strubell
Pages: 228
Printed at: Estugraf Impresores S. L., Ciempozuelos (Madrid)
Available formats: PDF, Epub, AZW3

Book shipping costs:
Spain (nomal/registered): Free / 3 €
Europe (nomal/registered): 4 / 7 € per book
World (nomal/registered): 7 / 10 € per book

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 2 cm


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